Egypt Adopts UN-Sponsored Mechanism to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

by Nada Khaled

On Friday, Egypt praised the creation of an international aid delivery system for the Gaza Strip, which is currently experiencing appalling living conditions.

Egypt viewed the Security Council resolution’s adoption as a significant and constructive step in the right direction toward lessening the intensity of the humanitarian crisis affecting Gaza Strip’s basic services system and Palestinian civilians.

The state further welcomed the appointment of a high-level UN coordinator to ease the entry, coordination, monitoring, and verification of aid within the Gaza Strip, according to a statement released by the Foreign Ministry.

Nevertheless, this is an insufficient step, the statement continued, because the UNSC resolution did not call for an immediate ceasefire as a guarantee for creating an environment that would allow all of the provisions to be implemented and as the only means of putting an end to the carnage in Gaza.

This UNSC resolution follows the implementation of a resolution from the recent Arab-Islamic Summit, which demanded that international humanitarian law and international law be followed, that civilian lives not be endangered, that humanitarian aid not be targeted, that the various corridors for humanitarian access to the area be opened, and that a mechanism be established to monitor aid shipments under UN auspices to overcome Israel’s obstacles to aid entry be rejected.

Egypt believed that the resolution’s primarily humanitarian content put the international community ahead of its political and humanitarian obligations to swiftly carry out its provisions and put an end to the daily suffering of Gaza Strip residents who are subjected to Israeli bombing, the siege, forced relocation, and infrastructure destruction.

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