Egypt’s Women’s Goalball Team Strives to Make History at 2024’s Paralympics

News Agencies

The Egyptian female Goalball team is working to prove themselves and reach unprecedented success at the 2024 Paralympic Games held in Paris.

Goalball is a unique team sport designed exclusively for athletes with impaired vision. It is one of the oldest sports registered at the Paralympic Games.

Euro News shared in an article that the game is played on a court with goals that are 9 meters wide. The game’s objective is to score by quickly throwing a ball adorned with bells. Each team consists of three players on the court who can use their entire bodies to stop the ball.

The Egyptian female goalball team was established in 2016. The visually impaired women in the team meet weekly to practice.

Esraa Waleed, a player on the team, describes goalball as a demanding yet rewarding sport, while Mennatallah Abdel Salam told SCENES that she enjoys hearing the excitement and enthusiastic cheers from the crowd during matches.

Another team member, Ayatollah Yousef, expressed that the team’s unwavering unity and focus on the pitch has led them to success.

For her part, Head Coach Mohamed Farahat praises the team’s collective performance and dedication to goalball.

Through challenges and triumphs, these remarkable women in the Egyptian female goalball team demonstrate that with passion and a strong bond, they can overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.