Randa Fouad Highlights Correlation Between Art, Sustainable Development at COP27 Egypt

Nada El-Margoushy

Egyptian contemporary artist and UN development communication expert Randa Fouad was privileged to attend the Conference of the Parties for climate change (COP27) and to internationally represent Egyptian artists.

Ms. Fouad, who is also president of the World Art Forum (WAF), has shared her perspective on the important role played by art in achieving sustainable development, collaborating with Sherine Badr, CEO of Sheranda, and Ahmed Abdel Fattah, an Egyptian contemporary artist, among various pioneers in the field.

Her organization led the arrangement of several art exhibitions and workshops at the COP’s green zone, organized by the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, as well as the Blue Zone, under the auspices of the UN.

Blue Zone:

Registering on behalf of the WAF, Ms. Fouad attended and oversaw a virtual reality (VR) exhibition at the VIP opening of the COP27 on November 6, in the presence of Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for Egypt; Dr. Hala El-Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development; and Dr. Ghada Waly, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

She presented her own work of art, a painting under the name of “Towa land of light” at the “Resilience Hub” pavilion. Her painting was inspired by her visit to Sinai, which is coincidently the same place where the COP27 was taking place.

Ms. Fouad was behind the idea of the “Tree of Unity”, a huge artwork originally painted by contemporary artist Ahmed Abdel Fattah. The tree was on full display through the entirety of COP27 events, welcoming everyone, from children to ministers and world leaders from all around the world, to leave their mark on it. The original painting has completely transformed by the end of the COP27, demonstrating the universal union.


                                                                                      Before                                      After


The “WAF” also showcased exquisite paintings by Farghali Abdel Hafiz and Rabab Nemr, among other pioneers in the field of graphic art at the Egyptian Pavilion, organized by Sarah El Battouty, global ambassador and Founder of ECONSULT.

Ms. Fouad’s team beautified the offices and lounges at the UN pavilion and the Egyptian pavilion,  displaying the paintings by DR. Salah El Meligy, a celebrated Egyptian artist and professor in the Graphic Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Helwan University, alongside artwork of other renowned Egyptian pioneers.

The WAF organization conducted three art workshops for “Youth Day” and “Gender Day”.

Green Zone:

Ms. Fouad, along with her team of experts, organized an exhibition of upcycled and land art, featuring pieces by fine arts students, school students, and other pioneers in contemporary art. This event was a shared collaboration between Sheranda World Art Gallery, Picasso East, and Zamalek Art Gallery. The attendees included the Egyptian ministers of environment, planning, immigration, and culture, along with the minister of foreign affairs and the COP27 director’s wife

The organization displayed a digital art exhibition to initiate their event

Ms. Fouad arranged “World Sustainable Day,” and multiple art workshops for the youth

Randa Fouad’s admirable efforts successfully highlighted the art’s role in spreading awareness, and maintaining sustainability, through a notion that will carry on in future COPs.

Written by Nada El-Margoushy

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