President El-Sisi’s Speech at the “Differently-Abled” Celebration for People of Determination and those with special Abilities

Local Media

President El-Sisi’s Speech at the “Differently-Abled” Celebration for People of Determination and those with special Abilities

A group of differently-abled persons has spontaneously come on the stage as the president was due to deliver his official speech and El-Sisi welcomed them.

In a humanitarian gesture and amid tremendous applause from participants, President El-Sisi exchanged conversation with a differently-abled person, who spontaneously moved toward President Sisi to hug him and express gratitude for his continued support to them.

Directing his speech to people of determination, President El-Sisi said: “You are the owners of the place and I am not flattering about that… who knows the truth wishes to be with you.”

President El-Sisi, meanwhile, affirmed that with God’s help Egypt will prevail against any difficulties that it might encounter.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi urged the government to finalize programs and plans for empowering differently-abled people and merging them in all national projects and initiatives.

He underlined that differently-abled people represent a top priority for improving Egyptian people’s lives. He tasked the Social Solidarity Ministry to facilitate the issuance of an integrated services card for handicapped people to make sure that they get all their rights, services, study fees, and pension.

The president also tasked the Youth and Sports Ministry with examining the idea of a special memberships for differently-abled people at all youth centers and youth innovation centers to get involved in all sports, artistic, and cultural activities.

He also called on the Youth and Sports Ministry to intensify support for talented people of special needs in the sports domain.

He also urged the Housing Ministry to take into consideration the needs of differently-abled people in housing projects.

President El-Sisi entrusted the ministry of health and population to provide all integrated medical services to the differently-abled in all governorates.

He also entrusted the ministry of transport to enable the differently-abled persons to benefit from the transport projects including the underground metro and the monorail.

El-Sisi asked the ministry of youth and social solidarity to cooperate on launching “Differently-Abled” initiative at schools, universities and youth centers to encourage youth to take part in it.

The president called on the Ministry of Manpower to coordinate with agencies concerned to create jobs for youths with disability in various sectors.

The president said he was happy to join the persons with disability in Wednesday’s event to get acquainted with their needs, expressing hope for seeing their contribution to the progress of the homeland.

He said recent crucial conditions in the world created economic crises and imposed serious challenges a matter that requires a stance to overcome such crises and face the challenges.

President El-Sisi called on state authorities and institutions, including the Suez Canal Authority, to offer financial support worth 1 billion pounds to establish a fund for people with disabilities.

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