UPA Signs MOU with GENNVAX at Africa Health ExCon

Local Media

On the sidelines of the 2nd day of the second Africa Health ExCon, the Unified Procurement Authority signed an MOU with GENNVAX for establishing the international GENNVAX Academy to provide vaccine manufacturing training. 

The MOU was signed by Maj. Gen. Dr. Bahaa El-Din Zeidan, Head of the Egyptian Unified Procurement Authority (UPA),  Dr. Mohamed Awad Tageldin, Acting Advisor to the President of Health and Prevention Affairs, Dr. Nibal Dahaba, General Manager of Gennecs, and Dr. Tamer Essam, Chairman of Egyptian Drug Authority.

In this regard, Dr. Bahaa stated that reaching this agreement is part of the efforts exerted towards the capacity building for the most talented medical professional as a step towards vaccine manufacturing localization in Egypt. Further, the medical staff in Egypt is considered a pillar of the localization step in the Egyptian market. He also appreciated the thorough efforts of all the medical entities in Egypt to support the vaccine manufacturing localization.

 For his part, Dr. Mohamed Awad Tageldin referred to the robust human resources in Egypt having the capacity to localize drug manufacturing.

Dr. Tamer Essam also highlighted that reaching this agreement is achieved according to the presidential directives to invest in human resources within the framework of Egypt’s Vision 230.

Dr. Nibal stated that the signing of the agreement will support the medical sector in Egypt and its strategy for improving scientific research and advancing the manufacture of drugs and vaccines through implementing productive projects, providing the recent advances of effective vaccines and medicines, as well as establishing strategic partnerships with various agencies and institutions, in a way that boost Egypt’s development plan, and capacity building for the youth to propel the economy.

She thanked all the medical and health authorities in Egypt for their efforts in providing all the mechanisms to localize the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt, especially the Egyptian Drug Authority.

  On the other hand, Roche and Eva Pharma signed a strategic partnership agreement to localize the pharmaceutical industry for transplant patients, on the sidelines of the second African medical conference and exhibition, Africa Health ExCon.

The signing was witnessed by Maj. General Dr. Bahaa El-Din Zaidan,  Dr. Mohamed Awad Taj El-Din, Dr. Tamer Essam, Dr.  Riad Armanious, CEO of Eva Pharma, and Mohamed Swilam, General Manager of Roche- Egypt.

Dr. Mohamed Sweilem, extended his happiness on this occasion and the cooperation with Eva Pharma to localize the manufacture of immunosuppressive drugs in Egypt.

He pointed out that cases of organ transplantation in the Egyptian market require local drug manufacturing to achieve Egypt’s Vision 2030, to perform 70,000 different organ transplants, including liver and lung transplantation.

For his part, Dr. Riad Armanious said that his  company aims to localize drug manufacturing  to provide the necessary medicines, reduce the foreign exchange gap in the market, and eliminate the  challenges facing patients in Egypt  driven by increasing drug manufacture

He stated that the signing of the strategy with Roche to establish a plant for immunosuppressive drugs came after a long series of discussions, as Eva Pharma owns about 4 industrial complexes at present; aiming to produce more medicines to increase medical export to African countries.

“We are proud of establishing strategic partnerships between pharmaceutical companies in the Egyptian market, which comes within the state’s plans and presidential directives to support and localize the pharmaceutical industries in Egypt,” said  Dr. Bahaa El-Din Zaidan.

For his part, Dr. Mohamed Awad Taj El-Din stressed the importance of localizing the pharmaceutical industry and modern technology transfers to the Egyptian market, noting that during the past years, the world faced the Covid-19 pandemic, which Egypt succeeded in handling thanks to human cadres and the provision of necessary medicines. This is in addition to providing medical aid to countries that suffered from a shortage of medicines, which strengthened Egypt’s ability to localize the pharmaceutical industry.

Dr. Tamer Essam said that setting up this strategy is a pivotal step to draw the world’s attention to Egypt’s ability to attract investments in the health sector and other various sectors in order to establish and localize various industries, including the pharmaceuticals, which is one of the most important industries that each country must provide for its citizens.

He remarked Egypt’s geographical location that makes it easier for companies to inject pharmaceutical investments and exploit this location as a gateway for pharmaceutical export in Africa and the Middle East.

Dr. Tamer Al-Awadi expressed his pleasure at the partnership agreement between Roche and Eva Pharma, which will give a boost to the cooperation for enhancing drug localization and technology transfer in the pharmaceutical industries; in a way that will scale up production capacities and increase Egypt’s exports to Africa and the Middle East.

Inaugurated last Tuesday by H.E. President Al Sisi, Africa Health ExCon will take place from 6 to 9 June 2023, in the international presence of 90 countries. The event will host more than 1200 keynote speakers.

Africa Health ExCon will bring together all the healthcare representatives, offering them first- of- its kind opportunity to explore the services offered in various sectors, including medical supplies, equipment, pharmaceuticals, consumables, chemicals, dental supplies, dermal products, nutrients, and vitamins, healthcare providers, pharmacies, feeding, and packaging industries.

Under the theme “Your Gate To Innovation and Trade, Africa Health ExCon features more than 316 sessions and 36 workshops, in the presence of international medical experts. Further, the Egyptian Medical Association (EMA) will also provide scientific sessions.

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