Entissar El-Sisi: Women’s empowerment file receives special attention from the Egyptian state led by the President of the Republic

Local Media

Mrs Entissar El-Sisi, the wife of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, affirmed that the issue of empowering girls receives special attention from the Egyptian state under the leadership of the President of the Republic, believing that Egyptian girls are the leaders and pioneers of the future and that investing in them is investing in building a brighter future for the country.

This came in a recorded speech delivered by Mrs Entissar El-Sisi, during the opening ceremony of the national initiative “Dawwie” to empower girls, which was held at the Grand Egyptian Museum.

She affirmed her pride in the successes achieved by the national initiative “Dawwie” so far in reaching the girls of Egypt on the ground in the villages of 21 governorates, listening to them in schools, youth centres, universities, etc., and developing their skills by obtaining the skills, information and services necessary for success, and thus qualifying and empowering them to create a society that understands and believes in equality.

It is noteworthy that the ceremony was held under the auspices of Mrs Intisar Al-Sisi, wife of the President of the Republic, within the framework of the national project for the development of the Egyptian family.

Dr Maya Morsi, President of the National Council for women, and a group of ministers, governors, civil society leaders, ambassadors, representatives of United Nations organizations in Egypt, and development partners participated in the ceremony.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.