Egyptian Women’s Leader Promotes Early Breast Cancer Detection

by Aya Salah Ed-din

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women globally, and in Egypt, it is the primary cause of cancer-related deaths among women. Despite this alarming fact, there is still a lack of awareness and understanding about breast cancer in the country. Many women fear seeking medical advice or discussing the disease due to cultural taboos or misconceptions.

Maya Morsi, the leader of Egypt’s National Women’s Council, has emphasized the importance of early detection of breast cancer. She urged women to prioritize regular check-ups, mammograms, and self-examinations as crucial tools in detecting breast cancer at an early stage. Early detection can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment and survival.

Morsi’s call for early detection is part of ongoing efforts in Egypt to raise awareness about breast cancer and encourage women to take proactive measures for their health. The National Women’s Council has been working to educate women about the importance of regular breast self-examinations and the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. They have also advocated for increased access to mammography screenings, promoting the benefits of early detection.

By promoting early detection, Maya Morsi aims to empower women to prioritize their health and take control of their well-being. She believes that education, awareness, and access to medical services are essential in the fight against breast cancer. The National Women’s Council will continue to work towards spreading awareness and providing support to women in Egypt. With early detection, the chances of successful treatment and survival significantly increase, making it crucial for women to overcome fears or cultural taboos and seek medical advice and support.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.