Egyptian President Appoints New Acting President & Vice President for Accountability State Authority

News Agencies

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi issued two decrees appointing a new acting president and vice president for the Accountability State Authority (ASA) for one year, effective August 7.

Counselor Mohamed El-Faisal Youssef Ragab will serve as the acting president of the authority with the rank of minister for one year, while Mohamed Abdel Ghani Abdel Razek will be the ASA’s acting vice president.

As per Egypt Today, the decrees, numbered 321 and 322 for 2024, were published in the official gazette on Wednesday, 7/8/2024.

Prior to his appointment to the new post, Mohamed El-Faisal Ragab had served as the vice president of the ASA, as per a presidential decision published in the official gazette in April 2021.

The ASA is an independent public legal entity that reports directly to the President of the Republic. It exercises effective oversight of the funds of the state, public persons, and others as stipulated by law.

It also cooperates with the House of Representatives in fulfilling its supervisory duties.

The ASA originated from the independent “accounting diwan” established in 1942 by a royal decree to oversee public funds and monitor the state’s revenues and expenditures.

As per a law passed in 1964, the Diwan’s name was changed to the Accountability State Authority.


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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.