Egypt observed the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on Wednesday, reminding the world of the suffering of those who have lived under occupation for over 70 years and continue to face unprecedented aggression.

In 1977, the UN General Assembly called for the annual observance of 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

In a statement by the foreign ministry, Egypt affirmed its solidarity with the resilient Palestinian people until they regain their rights and establish their state, underscoring the ongoing presence of the Palestinian cause in the international fora and global conscience.

The ministry underlined that this commemoration coincides with a painful reality as Palestinians are witnessing brutal aggression, in which humanity has been slaughtered daily for over 54 days, in a blatant violation of international law and humanitarian rules.

“The international community remains arms folded in the face of a horrifying toll of civilian casualties from this aggression, claiming the lives of approximately 15,000 civilians, the majority of whom are women and children, in addition to millions of Palestinians who are subject to practices that defy all principles of humanity,” the statement read.

Egypt, based on its historical responsibility, Arab solidarity, and steadfast commitment to international legitimacy and the UN Charter, reaffirmed its continuous and unlimited support for Palestinians in defending their cause, considering it the foremost cause for the Arab nation.

Egypt also stressed that its constant stance and commitment towards the Palestinian cause is deeply rooted and will remain unchanged, sparing no effort and deploying all resources until Palestinians attain their legitimate rights in establishing their independent state.

According to the foreign ministry’s official spokesperson Ahmed Abu-Zeid, Egypt called for a permanent and unconditional ceasefire in the Gaza Strip to spare the lives of the innocents, emphasizing the necessity of providing sufficient and sustainable humanitarian assistance to address this humanitarian tragedy faced by Palestinians.

The ministry also called on the international community to take decisive actions to halt the grave Israeli violations against the Palestinians in the strip, the West Bank, and the entire occupied Palestinian territory for lifting the oppression and suffering of the Palestinian people.

Egypt emphasized that regional stability in the Middle East can only be achieved through a just and comprehensive resolution of the Palestinian cause, based on the two-state solution and relevant international legitimacy resolutions.

“This resolution requires a serious collaboration of the international community to enforce the two-state solution and acknowledge establishing an independent and contiguous Palestinian state on the borders of 4 June 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital,” the statement noted.

In this commemoration, Egypt reminded the international community of the Palestinian people’s resilience, enduring the occupation hardships for over seven decades, stressing that they deserve the collective support of all nations in these critical moments.

It urged the international community to support their just and legitimate demands and their right to establish their independent state.

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