Director of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Inaugurates New Permanent Archaeological Exhibition

News Agencies

Mr. Moamen Othman, Director of the Museum Sector at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and Mr. Tobias Krause, Deputy German Ambassador to Cairo, recently opened a permanent archaeological exhibition titled “Colored Scenes from the Temple of Wadi al-Sebua of King Amenhotep III” at the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir.

Dr. Ali Abdel Halim, Director General of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir; Dr. Dietrich Raue, Director of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo; Dr. Martina Ullmann, Professor of Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Munich; Dr. Regine Schlz, Director of the Hildesheim Museum in Germany; and several professors of archaeology from Egyptian and German universities attended the inauguration ceremony.

The museum, the University of Munich, and the Hildesheim Museum in Germany collaborated on the display.

According to Mr. Moamen Othman, the exhibition is a continuation of the long-standing collaboration between the German side and the Supreme Council of Antiquities.

He described it as the result of the research project’s success, which included the excavation of seven archaeological panels from the King Amenhotep III temple at Wadi al-Sebua and their subsequent restoration. This temple was rescued as a result of the Nubian Monuments Rescue Campaign.

The panels were moved to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, where they remained until 2010 and were housed in the basement.

The Egyptian Museum and the Hildesheim Museum started working together this year to research, preserve, and restore these priceless artifacts to put them back on exhibit.

In response, Rau expressed his appreciation for the productive collaboration between Egypt and the German side in the field of archaeological and museum work and expressed his hope that this cooperation would continue in the future and lead to even greater successes. Rau praised the significant effort made by the work team to restore these paintings.

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