AFD of France provides €50 Million for Egyptian Women’s Projects

News Agencies

Egypt’s attempts to empower women economically have advanced greatly as a result of the French Development Agency’s €50 million credit line for the Small Projects Support Programs.

Established in collaboration with the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (MSMEDA), this program has provided funding for 20,526 initiatives, resulting in the creation of 47,616 job opportunities. CEO Basel Rahmi attested that hundreds of female business owners have also profited from the technical assistance services provided by the program, which are designed to improve their marketing and administrative skills.

According to the SIS website, Rahmi made these remarks when speaking with French Ambassador Eric Chevallier about the state of their collaborative development projects. Key projects were evaluated at the meeting, such as the EU-funded Urban Upgrading and Job Creation Program in Cairo and Giza, which is managed by the French Development Agency.

In order to showcase their achievements at the World Urban Forum (WUF) in November, both agencies are getting ready. They also intend to work together on other projects, like as the end-of-year Heritage Show, digital transformation projects, and Egypt’s National Handicrafts Strategy.


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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.