Egypt to Experience Partial Lunar Eclipse Tomorrow

News Agencies

Mark your calendars, sky-event enthusiasts in Egypt and the Middle East! A rare and captivating partial Lunar Eclipse is set to grace our skies on September 18.

This celestial spectacle is not just for a few lucky regions. The eclipse is expected to be visible in a vast expanse, including the USA, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Latin America, the Atlantic Ocean, Europe, and Africa. Get ready to witness this awe-inspiring event that will last for an hour and three minutes.

Back in March, the first lunar eclipse of 2024 occurred, and it was a Penumbral eclipse. The phenomenon began when a portion of the moon passed into the Earth’s penumbra, covering almost 95.6% of the moon. Unfortunately, residents of Egypt did not have the chance to witness this phenomenon; however, the majority of Europe, Australia, the East of Asia, Africa, the Americas, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and both poles got to witness the event. Hopefully, this won’t be the case this time.

The eclipse was not visible to the naked eye, so sky enthusiasts had to use telescopes to observe it. The phenomenon lasted for 4 hours and 39 minutes.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.