NCW Congratulates Dr. Maya Morsi on Her Appointment to the Board of Trustees of the National Alliance

News Agencies

The National Council for Women, all its members, the rapporteurs of its branches in the governorates, and its general secretariat extend their sincere congratulations to Dr. Maya Morsi, President of the Council, on the issuance of the presidential decision appointing her as a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Alliance for Private Development Action, for the next four years.

The Council expressed its great happiness at Dr. Maya Morsi’s appointment to such a high-level position, which reflects the political leadership’s confidence in her competence and abilities.

The recent decision came in recognition of her outstanding scientific and professional competence, her extensive experiences and efforts in development work, and long-term commitment to empowering Egyptian women.

The National Council for Women affirms its great and lasting confidence in Dr. Maya Morsi’s success in all the positions and tasks entrusted to her and wishes her sincere success in this position.

It should be noted that Presidential Decree No. 186 of 2024 appointed four members of the Board of Trustees of the National Alliance for Private Development Action with experience for a period of four years. The members included Dr. Maya Mohamed Abdel Moneim Morsi – President of the National Council for Women; Engineer Khaled Mahmoud Abdel Aziz – Former Minister of Youth and Sports; Dr. Mohamed Fayez Farhat – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Ahram Foundation, and Mrs. Fatima Sayed Ahmed – Member of the National Press Authority.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.