50 % of women in UK music industry face discrimination: New Report

News Agencies

The latest findings from the first ever UK Musicians’ Census, the largest ever survey of its kind by Help Musicians and the Musicians’ Union, found that gender inequity is still a prominent, alarming issue in the music industry, with female musicians facing much higher levels of discrimination, sexual harassment, financial challenges, and structural barriers to career progression, than men.

Based on responses from 2,526 UK musicians who identified as women (out of nearly 6,000 musicians overall), this next wave of research from the first ever UK Musicians’ Census draws attention to the continued challenges women face in building sustainable careers in music. It further found that women are paid less, and have much less career longevity than men, despite being trained and educated to a higher level.

The report said women are paid less than men, and often experience shorter careers, despite being trained and educated to a higher level.

More than a quarter of female musicians (27%) said they did not earn enough from music to sustain a career, compared to 20% of men.

On average, women earn 10% less than their male counterparts, with an average annual income of £19,850 compared to £21,750 for men.

The report, by a cross-party group of MPs, followed an inquiry into misogyny in the music industry, which began in June 2022.

It heard evidence from people including the former BBC Radio 1 DJ Annie Macmanus, known as Annie Mac, who said there was a “tidal wave” of revelations about sexual assault in the music industry waiting to be told.

Women who responded to the Musicians’ Census had similar stories, with 51% saying they had experienced gender discrimination at work.

A DJ from the East Midlands said she had been sexually assaulted on stage, and while travelling home late at night.

Another young musician, from London, said that harassment had affected her “confidence and anxiety” while playing gigs.

The report also highlighted that women face unique barriers to their career progression, particularly regarding childcare and age discrimination.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.