Women in Menoufia Get Tech Boost With Qodwa-Tech Initiative

News Agencies

Ministry of Communications hosts Qodwa-Tech initiative session for empowering women in Menoufia. Held at the National Center for Studies in Shebin El-Kom, the session welcomed roughly 250 women and girls eager to learn more about Qodwa-Tech’s programs. Representatives from MCIT and the initiative itself provided a comprehensive overview of its goals and functionalities.

Building Digital Skills for a Brighter Future

The session delved into Qodwa-Tech’s mission to equip women with the digital skills needed to thrive in today’s world. Training courses, awareness programs, and free consultations for women entrepreneurs were highlighted as key components of the initiative.

Specifically, the program focuses on equipping participants with expertise in digital marketing, e-commerce, visual content creation, and AI.

Fostering Knowledge Sharing and Community Growth

Qodwa-Tech goes beyond just training. The initiative fosters a culture of knowledge sharing within local communities. Program participants are periodically selected to share their expertise with peers, promoting technological awareness and empowering others.

Social and Economic Empowerment Through Technology

This emphasis on knowledge exchange aligns with the initiative’s ultimate goal: empowering women for increased economic and social opportunities. By equipping them with digital skills, Qodwa-Tech aims to create sustainable job opportunities and contribute to the overall well-being of Egyptian women.

A Collaborative Effort for Sustainable Development

The Menoufia session aligns with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between MCIT and Menoufia Governorate. This MoU focuses on achieving sustainable development through joint efforts.

The Qodwa-Tech session in Menoufia marks a significant step towards achieving these goals. By empowering women with digital skills and fostering a knowledge-sharing community, the initiative paves the way for a more prosperous and technologically advanced future for the governorate.


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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.