United Nations: Women Hold 23% of Ministerial Posts, Nearly One-Third of Ministers in 141 Countries

News Agencies

According to a report by Russia Today, the United Nations has highlighted that women continue to face significant barriers to accessing positions of power and influence in global diplomacy.

The report underscores that only 26 countries are women-led, while men predominantly occupy key decision-making roles.

The Commission’s report highlights that, as of 1 January 2024, only 23% of ministerial positions are occupied by women. Additionally, in 141 countries, women constitute less than one-third of ministers, with seven countries having no female representation in their ministries.

The report released on International Women’s Day in Diplomacy on 24 June highlighted that “across the globe, the underrepresentation of women in decision-making roles persists, as indicated by UN-Women’s global data on women’s political leadership for 2024.”

He emphasized that there is a prevalent male dominance in diplomacy and foreign affairs, particularly in the representation of permanent missions to the United Nations, as women are still underrepresented as permanent representatives of their respective states. As of 2024, statistics show that women held 25% of the posts of Permanent Representative in New York, 35% in Geneva, and 33.5% in Vienna.

The report acknowledges that the election and appointment of women to leadership positions signals a firm political determination to promote gender equality. It also reflects a shared commitment to addressing the current global challenges.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.