U.S. Representative to UN: U.S. is Collaborating Closely with Egypt & Qatar to Bring an End to the Conflict in Gaza

News Agencies

The negotiations regarding Gaza are showing positive progress, as stated by US representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield. She mentioned that the US is working closely with Egypt and Qatar to facilitate an agreement and put an end to the ongoing conflict.

Addressing a UNSC session on the Middle East situation, she emphasized the importance of providing necessary resources and support to the United Nations and humanitarian agencies to ensure the swift delivery of approximately 600 trucks of aid to Gaza on a daily basis as soon as the agreement comes into effect.

According to Egypt Today website the United States is committed to continuing to encourage Israel to take further measures to remove obstacles to providing assistance on a large scale. We express our gratitude to the nations in the region, such as Egypt, Jordan, and Cyprus, for facilitating the delivery of aid to Gaza through their territories. We hope that these nations and others will consider enhancing their support to address the profound humanitarian needs in this critical period.

We have made significant progress in addressing longstanding requests from the United Nations and humanitarian organizations. However, there are still unresolved requests, particularly related to vital communications equipment necessary for deconfliction processes. We strongly urge the Government of Israel to collaborate with the UN to surmount these and other obstacles.

We believe that finalizing and implementing the ceasefire deal currently under discussion is the most effective way to alleviate the ongoing suffering. Additionally, we remain optimistic that a ceasefire in Gaza would facilitate diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation along the Blue Line, thus enabling displaced individuals in Israel and Lebanon to return to their homes.

We would like to express our continuing concern regarding Israel’s recent announcement to expand settlements, declare extensive “state lands,” and legalize outposts. We firmly believe that unilateral actions, such as the Government of Israel’s settlement program, are in conflict with international law and are detrimental to achieving a two-state solution.


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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.