Tunisian Actress Dorra Embarks on New Career as Director and Producer

News Agencies

The talented actress  Dorra  shared on social media a series of behind-the-scenes photos from the project. In a heartfelt post, Dorra expressed her passion for filmmaking and the inspiration behind the documentary.

“Directing has always been a dream of mine,” she shared, emphasizing the humanitarian aspect of the film, which focuses on Palestine. The actress expressed her gratitude to a young girl named Nadine, whose story played a pivotal role in inspiring the project.

Dorra’s acting career spans over two decades, with notable roles in Tunisian theater, cinema, and television. She has also garnered international recognition through appearances in English and French films. Her transition to directing marks a new chapter in her already impressive career.

With “Wen Serna,” Dorra aims to deliver a powerful and impactful documentary that resonates with audiences worldwide. As the project nears completion, fans eagerly await the release of this highly anticipated film.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.