The NCW organizes a training to support the skills of female members of the Administrative Prosecution in investigations of cases of violence against women

Local Media

The Legislative Committee of the National Council for Women organized the third interactive training on supporting the skills of female members of the Administrative Prosecution Authority in the field of investigations into cases of violence against women, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, the Administrative Prosecution Authority, and the United Nations Population Fund, and it will last for two days, as part of the 16-day campaign of activities to eliminate violence against women, launched by the National Council for Women under the slogan:  Cosmic.

The training activities were inaugurated by Counselor Sanaa Khalil, Rapporteur of the Legislative Committee, Counselor Amal Ammar, Assistant Minister of Justice for Human Rights, Women and Children, members of the Council, Counselor Dr. Mohamed Ramy, Vice President of the Administrative Prosecution Authority and Director of the Training Center of the Authority, in the presence of Noha Morsi, Director General of the General Administration of Committees of the Council, Dr. Dina Shoukry, Professor of Forensic Medicine at Cairo University and Head of the Department at the Faculty of Medicine of the Armed Forces, and a member of the Advisory Council of Forensic Medicine at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, and Counselor Ahmed Al-Naggar, President of the Court of Appeal.

Counselor Sanaa Khalil stressed that women are the basis of the family, which is the nucleus of society, stressing that women’s issues are at the forefront of human rights issues, which the Egyptian state pays great attention to, stressing the need to protect them from violence and discrimination. Counselor Amal Ammar pointed out that the workshop aims to shed light on the international conventions ratified by Egypt in this context, review national strategies, and highlight the role of the Administrative Prosecution in protecting these rights and procedures for investigating such crimes, to complement the protection system for women.

Within the framework of the State’s keenness to combat all forms of violence against women in the implementation of the text of Article Eleven of the 2014 Constitution, several national strategies have been launched in this context, which includes (the National Strategy to Combat Violence against Women, the National Strategy for the Empowerment of Women 2030 and the National Strategy for Human Rights 2021-2026), stressing the legislator’s keenness on the national enforcement of international conventions ratified by Egypt, and the emergence of a package of legislation protecting their rights.

Noha Morsi spoke about the Egyptian constitution, the establishment of the National Council for Women and its terms of reference, and the National Strategy for Women’s Empowerment 2030 and its axes.

Dr. Dina Shoukry also presented the role of forensic medicine in proving crimes of violence against women, the definition of forensic medicine, the phenomenon of violence against women, forms of violence against women, forms of human trafficking, silent cases of violence, and advice in the event of assaults, and the path of survivors of violence, referring to the national medical guide for dealing with victims of violence against women, due to gender and steps to deal with injury cases in emergencies.

Counselor Ahmed Al-Najjar reviewed the legal dimension and legislative framework against women and presented crimes of violence against women in the applicable law, including the crime of exposure and harassment, indecent assault, and other crimes.

Counselor Dr. Mohamed Rami also stressed the importance of training for members of the Administrative Prosecution, which in turn contributes to increasing scientific skills, especially training on investigation and behavior skills related to protecting women from violence, which confirms the interest of the judiciary in the state to protect women’s rights and confront any attempt to prejudice them, pointing out that the course is being held for the third time within a short period, and witnesses a large turnout of ladies and gentlemen members who are keen to participate in it, and cited the Egyptian Constitution of 2014 in Article 11 thereof, which Ensure that the State guarantees equality between women and men in all civil, political, economic and cultural rights in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, as well as the right of women to hold public office without discrimination against them, and the State’s commitment to protecting women against all forms of violence.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.