Saudi Sondos Jaan set to climb the highest peak in the Arab world

News Agencies

Sondos Jaan began her journey to the highest peak in the Arab world on June 20. This marks the latest adventure for Jaan, who has always loved mountain exploration. Reflecting on her childhood is essential to truly understanding her passion. Speaking to Arab News, she shared, “I am from Madinah. I was born in a city where I could see a mountain from my bedroom window, and as I walked the streets, I would always catch a glimpse of the mountains.”, according to the “Arab News” website.

Her father was the first adventurer she knew. He was always prepared, she says, and “his car was always ready for a trip.”

She said: “He would tell me stories when he returned from hunting trips, whether on land or at sea. I would imagine the stories as if he were the hero in one of the animated films I watched. Sometimes, he would take me with him, and I felt part of the story.”

Her father instilled in her a love for adventure from a very early age, and mountain climbing is in her DNA.

Jaan said, “My father is my primary mountain-climbing coach, and I inherited his spirit of adventure and love for travel, experiences, and camping.

He taught me swimming, horse riding, hunting, fishing, and the basics of camping.”

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.