Monday, March 10, 2025

Prime Minister discusses with International Cooperation Minister the results of her meetings and ‘international cooperation’ initiatives during the climate summit

Local Media

Prime Minister discusses with International Cooperation Minister the results of her meetings and ‘international cooperation’ initiatives during the climate summit

Madbouli emphasizes the importance of continuing to strengthen multilateral cooperation efforts and consolidating partnerships between Egypt and development partners in order to stimulate national development vision and green transformation efforts.

Prime Minister Dr. Mustafa Madbouli held a meeting yesterday evening with Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister for International Cooperation, where the ministry’s activity was reviewed within the framework of the events of the UN Framework Agreement on Climate Change (COP27), which concluded its activities at Sharm el sheik city recently

During the meeting, the Minister of International Cooperation reviewed the results of her intensive meeting with multilateral and bilateral development partners, during which she looked for ways to support and strengthen joint cooperation frameworks and push the vision of national development and green transformation efforts in Egypt.

The Minister of International Cooperation cited the initiatives launched during the climate conference as a sign of the results of the efforts to mobilize facilitated development funding for the National Platform for Green Projects, the International Cooperation Programme, to stimulate green transformation and implement the National Strategy for climate change. Brotherhood, nationally determined contributions to NDCs, also took up the top recommendations of the “Sharm El Sheikh Fair Funding Guide”, which aims To stimulate climate-related funding, strengthen multilateral cooperation and international partnerships, and release the climate and development report in cooperation with the World Bank

Dr. Rania Al-Mashat reviewed the mechanisms of the “Sharm El-Sheikh Guide to Fair Funding”, launched at the climate conference aimed at stimulating the capacity of developing countries and emerging economies to attract climate investments and the tools by which it works to achieve fair climate funding through joint work of relevant parties from international finance institutions and non-purpose organizations For-profit, public and private sectors

The meeting also addresses initiatives launched to enhance the role of start-ups in the Climatech Run climate action, accelerate equal opportunity between gender climate action in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and ongoing coordination with Alla Funds CIF climate will be fruitful to implement the investment initiative in nature and climate in Egypt

The Minister of International Cooperation clarified that “COP 27” was a real opportunity to achieve more international cooperation, create the link between development and climate change actions, assuring the continuation of work in coordination with national authorities and development partners over the next 12 months throughout Egypt’s presidency For climate conference, to advance efforts to promote national platform Green Projects has a “Novfi” program to mobilize facilitated financing mechanisms, including mixed financing and private sector investments, and to strengthen joint relationships with multilateral and bilateral development partners to support the Development State Vision 2030 and the National Strategy for Change Climate 2050

At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Mustafa Madbouli, Prime Minister, addressed the importance of continuing to strengthen multilateral cooperation efforts and consolidating partnerships between Egypt and development partners in order to stimulate national development vision and green transformation efforts.

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