NCW Launches “Egyptian Kitchen” Initiative and Other Activities During Ramadan

News Agencies

As part of the National Project for the Development of the Egyptian Family, the National Council for Women is organizing various activities and events in different governorates of the Villages of a Decent Life during the holy month of Ramadan.

To mark the beginning of Ramadan, the council has launched the “Egyptian Kitchen” initiative, one of the council’s activities during the holy month. The initiative aims to provide opportunities to produce ready-made meals that will serve the most needy families. This goal will be achieved by establishing a community kitchen with a sustainable development dimension.

During the initiative, women received training from skilled chefs in different governorates. They are learning various techniques for planning, ordering, preparing, and cooking food for large banquets and ready-made meals. They are also getting trained on calculating economic quantities, adhering to food quality standards, and planning the workforce to assist in the kitchen.

Apart from the community kitchen initiative, the council also organizes training sessions on lending and savings groups, financial education and entrepreneurship, family guidance, and balanced upbringing. Additionally, they are establishing workshops and production units.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.