NCW Congratulates Egyptian Women on Egyptian Women’s Day

News Agencies

The National Council for Women, headed by Dr. Maya Morsi and all its male and female members, extended its sincere congratulations to the women and girls of Egypt on the occasion of Egyptian Women’s Day, annually celebrated on March 16.

The council said in a statement that Egyptian women embody giving, love, and loyalty and have given a lot for their country, small family, and large community. They have also stood by them in the most difficult circumstances, affirming their love and solidarity with them.

Dr. Maya Morsi emphasized: Today, we celebrate Egyptian Women’s Day and their achievements in all fields. The Egyptian woman stands tall and confident in her abilities and capabilities so that the world can witness her distinguished status and praise what she has achieved thanks to the support of the political will that believes that empowering women is a national duty and the basis for a renaissance and the progress and advancement of society.

The President of the Council added that the Egyptian women’s journey, full of struggle, deserves to be crowned with obtaining the rights they have always demanded over the decades. Indeed, today, we are witnessing women reaching leadership positions that they have never reached before, in addition to the issuance of many laws and legislation that enhance their status and empower them in all fields. There is no doubt that the issue of women’s empowerment has witnessed remarkable progress over the past years at all levels.

She continued that Egyptian women will remain the foundation of society, the source of its strength, and the center upon which the nation relies to achieve its renaissance and progress.

Morsi concluded her speech by saying that every year, every Egyptian woman is empowered, courageous, persistent, strong, capable of achieving her dreams, distinguished in her place, and creates hope and happiness for herself and everyone around her. Happy New Year!

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.