National Council for Women Files Complaint to the Public Prosecutor Against Al-Tijani Sheikh

News Agencies

Over the weekend, the National Council for Women filed a complaint to The Public Prosecutor against presumably one of the leaders of the Sufi belief, Salah Al-Tijani, amid sexual harassment charges against him.

The Council submitted their official complaint through the Women’s Complaints Bureau following a viral social media post by a girl detailing the sexual abuse she was subjected to by the accused Sheikh, in addition to similar posts by three girls against the same person on social media.

Under its mandate to receive and study complaints regarding violations of women’s rights and freedoms, refer them to the competent authorities, work to resolve them with the relevant authorities, provide the necessary judicial assistance, and inform the public authorities of any violations of women’s rights and freedoms, the Council has filed a report to the Public Prosecutor against to this Sheikh to take the necessary measures against him to protect girls, women, and society in general from these shameful acts.

The Council also vehemently opposes any form of violence or discrimination against women or their exploitation under the guise of religion and that it will not hesitate to defend women against anyone who dares to infringe upon their rights.

The National Council for Women calls on all girls and women to contact the Council’s Women’s Complaints office in case of being exposed to any form of violence or discrimination, as the office provides legal and psychological support and assistance to women and receives complaints and inquiries.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.