Minister of Health and Vice Prime Minister Calls for Coordinated Efforts to Achieve the National Human Development Project’s Goals

Mona Yousef


In his capacity as Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, chaired the second meeting of the Higher Advisory Committee for Human Development.

This meeting aimed to monitor the progress of implementing human development strategies in Egypt in alignment with the country’s Vision 2030. It received  Dr. Hala El-Said, Advisor to the President for Economic Development and former Minister of Planning and Economic Development, as well as Dr. Maged Osman, the Committee’s Rapporteur, Head of the Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera”, and former Minister of Communications and Information Technology.

At the outset of the meeting, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar emphasized that human development is the cornerstone of sustainable development. He reiterated that the Egyptian government prioritizes citizen health, education, and the development of human capabilities, highlighting the importance of investing in human capital as a major driver of economic and social growth.

Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, spokesperson for the Ministry of Health and Population, elaborated that the meeting focused on reviewing the progress of the National Human Development Project. The discussion also identified priorities and action steps for the coming period based on the recommendations from the first meeting. Additionally, the meeting reviewed the institutional framework governing human development and the role of the Higher Advisory Committee, which was established by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population’s decree (No. 1, dated February 9, 2025). The committee is tasked with preparing proposals for strategies, policies, and plans related to achieving the objectives of the Human Development Ministerial Group, which will then be submitted for review and approval.

The official spokesperson further noted that the advisory committee plays a central role in providing technical support to the Human Development Ministerial Group. This includes proposing innovative ideas to enhance the National Human Development Project, designing programs and initiatives to accelerate the pace of sustainable human development, and proposing effective coordination mechanisms between various government bodies, the private sector, and civil society to ensure the integration of efforts. The committee  enhances coordination among different national projects to increase their developmental impact and proposing precise monitoring and evaluation mechanisms based on clear performance indicators to ensure governance in the human development process.

The committee’s focus is on achieving comprehensive development and improving the quality of life for Egyptian citizens through several key areas. These include improving healthcare outcomes, promoting healthy lifestyles, enhancing education at all levels, and building capacities and skills. Additionally, the committee aims to apply the concept of continuous learning, raise living standards by increasing opportunities for decent employment, and encourage innovation and development in fields such as science, technology, sports, arts, and literature—ultimately contributing to sustainable human development.

In this context, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar stressed the need for broader meetings between the Human Development Ministerial Group and the Higher Advisory Committee to ensure the integration and coordination of efforts in support of the goals of the National Human Development Project. He also emphasized the importance of preparing quarterly progress reports by the committee’s rapporteur to ensure continuous monitoring of its activities. He called for the formation of specialized working groups within the committee to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the desired goals.

The meeting also discussed the major challenges facing human development, reviewed Egypt’s Human Capital Index and compared its components with those of other countries, and examined executive action plans to improve healthcare and education services, as well as develop infrastructure for key sectors. The Minister reiterated that empowering women is a central element of the human development plans due to their pivotal role in addressing demographic challenges and boosting economic productivity.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Minister listened to the views and suggestions of committee members regarding the implementation mechanisms for the project, expressing his appreciation for their ongoing efforts. He highlighted the importance of regular follow-ups on the recommendations and the development of clear action plans to overcome obstacles. He called for continued effective cooperation between various entities to ensure the success of the National Human Development Project and maximize its impact on citizens’ lives.

The meeting  brought together  Dr. Saleh El-Sheikh, Head of the Central Authority for Organization and Administration, Dr. Abla El-Alfy, Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Hoda Rashad, Director of the Social Research Center at the American University in Cairo, Dr. Khaled Zakaria, Director of the Economic Policies Center at the National Planning Institute, and Supervisor of the United Nations Human Development Report for Egypt 2021. Additionally, Dr. Samah El-Saherty, Director of the Human Development Program in the Gulf Cooperation Council at the World Bank, Ahmed Fathy, Member of Parliament, Dr. Ayman Ismail, Professor of Business Administration at the American University in Cairo, Dr. Amira Kazem, Education Expert and Former Senior Education Specialist at the World Bank, Ali Sadiq, President of the Egyptian Space Research Council and Founder of the Egyptian Space Program, and Engineer Amr Suleiman, Chairman of “Evigion” Technology Company and Member of the Board of Directors of Nasser Social Bank, were also present. Dr. Ahmed Darwish, Former Head of the Suez Canal Economic Zone and Former Minister of Administrative Development, Mr. Diaa El-Din Dawood, Member of Parliament, Dr. Hossam Badrawi, Former Member of the Shura Council, Dr. Adel Abdel Latif, Consultant for the United Nations Human Development Report for Egypt 2021, and Ms. Sahar El-Bazar, Member of Parliament, participated via videoconference.

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