Local Development Minister Meets Delegation from National Council for Women

News Agencies

Yesterday, Dr. Manal Awad, the Minister of Local Development, met with a delegation from the National Council for Women, Giza Governorate Branch, led by Dr. Magda Abdel Jalil, Branch Rapporteur, at the Ministry’s headquarters in the New Administrative Capital.

At the start of the meeting, the Council delegation congratulated Dr. Manal Awad on her appointment as the Minister of Local Development, making her the first woman to hold this position, and expressed their confidence in her leadership.

They went on to highlight Dr. Manal Awad’s successful career in local administration, noting her previous roles as Deputy Governor of Giza and Governor of Damietta.

In response, Dr. Manal Awad expressed her gratitude for the congratulations and emphasized the strong support that Egyptian women receive from the President of the Republic. She commended the Egyptian state’s efforts in empowering women and acknowledged the progress made in promoting women’s rights across various fields.

According to the Ministry, the meeting also included a review of collaborative initiatives between the Ministry and the National Council for Women branch in Giza and other governorates. These initiatives aim to benefit women and all members of society, promoting loyalty, participation, and national initiatives that contribute to women’s empowerment at all levels.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.