Investment Minister, U.S. Ambassador Met to Discuss Investment Relations

News Agencies

The Egyptian Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, Hassan El-Khatib, welcomed Herro Mustafa Garg, the U.S. Ambassador to Cairo, along with her delegation. The meeting reviewed the shared economic relations and explored ways to develop and strengthen trade and investment cooperation between the two countries in the upcoming phase.

The Minister emphasized that Egypt and the United States enjoy stable bilateral relations based on a long history of fruitful and constructive cooperation across various fields and levels. He also highlighted the importance of building on the strategic economic relations between Cairo and Washington to increase bilateral trade and joint investments, which would benefit both the Egyptian and American economies.

During the meeting, the Minister and the US Ambassador discussed the key points of the upcoming second session of the US-Egypt Joint Economic Commission, which is scheduled for Washington on September 4th and 5th.

According to Daily News Egypt, the session will include official and business meetings between the two sides. The first day will focus on discussions between government representatives to follow up on the outcomes of the first session, present economic updates in Egypt, and discuss investment incentives and challenges facing companies and investment opportunities in Egypt. The second day will concentrate on aligning private-sector partnerships in both countries with Egypt’s priority sectors.

El-Khatib also noted the significance of the agreements signed between Egypt and the United States in enhancing bilateral trade and joint investment projects.

The US Ambassador in Cairo affirmed her country’s commitment to strengthening the framework of joint economic cooperation with Egypt, particularly in trade, investment, energy, and environmental sectors. She expressed the US Embassy’s keen interest in the upcoming U.S.-Egypt Joint Economic Commission session and its dedication to achieving the desired outcomes from this important meeting.


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