Egypt’s NBE, Mastercard to issue 1st Touch Card Empowering Visually Impaired Customers

News Agencies

In conjunction with Mastercard, the National Bank of Egypt (NBE) has revealed the Touch Card, a pioneering payment system designed to empower customers with visual impairments.

The launch event was attended by Dr. Maya Morsy, Egyptian Minister of Social Solidarity; Hisham Okasha, Executive Chairman at NBE; Dalia El-Baz, Deputy Chairman at NBE; Adam Jones, Division President for West Arabia at Mastercard; Inji Borai, Vice President and Country Manager at Mastercard Egypt; Karim Sous, Retail Chief Executive Officer at NBE; and representatives from Nour Al-Baseera Association.

Dr. Maya Morsy, Minister of Social Solidarity, expressed her pride in unveiling the Touch Card, a vital step to improve financial inclusion for visually impaired people by national guidelines. Dr. Morsy praised the joint efforts that resulted in the design of this one-of-a-kind card, adding that the National Bank of Egypt has established a local precedent by implementing such an innovative solution.

She also underscored the Ministry’s commitment to accessibility, noting the provision of sign language interpreters in 13 public universities, the Ministry’s significant support for approximately 1.2 million people with disabilities through the “Karama” program, and the issuance of 1.3 million integrated service cards to assist them further.

She also emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to accessibility, citing the provision of sign language interpreters in 13 public universities, the Ministry’s significant support for approximately 1.2 million people with disabilities through the “Karama” program, and the issuance of 1.3 million integrated service cards to help them further.

On the other hand, Okasha mentioned in his speech that the National Bank of Egypt was the first to introduce a payment card in 1994, altering the payment and banking landscape. He also stated that NBE’s strategy reflects its awareness of market dynamics and continual commitment to providing relevant products and services that satisfy the evolving needs of its consumers.

To increase access to financial services, NBE has appointed 100 visually impaired employees and trained 400 staff members in sign language across 230 branches. The bank has also introduced Braille-equipped banking models in 60 branches, operates 1,288 ATMs specifically designed for visually impaired users, 34 ATMs catering to individuals with mobility disabilities, and 28 mobile ATMs equipped with specialized lifts, and provides 60 financing programs under the “Hemma” program for individuals with disabilities.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.