Egypt’s National Council for Women Participates in Activities of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons’ Celebration

News Agencies

The National Council for Women recently took part in celebration activities organized by the National Coordinating Committee to Combat and Prevent Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking. The Council’s participation aimed to raise awareness about this issue.

A group of Egyptian children, immigrants, refugees, and their parents participated in the event at the Swiss Club in Cairo Governorate.

The Council showcased 50 products from the “Addressing the Economic Motives of Illegal Migration” project, which it is implementing in partnership with the European Union. The products included environmentally friendly items, patchwork, printing, and embroidery with innovative designs.

This year, the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons focuses on “Leave no child behind,” emphasizing the need to protect and care for vulnerable children who are at risk of exploitation by human traffickers.

Additionally, the Council highlighted its activities and efforts to combat human trafficking and raised awareness about the services it provides, including a hotline for reporting human trafficking cases.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.