Egypt Retrieves 80 Artifacts from the US, UK, France, and Uruguay

Local Media

Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiques, Dr. Mostafa Waziri shared in a meeting of the board of directors the most recent developments in the field that took place in December. He announced that archeological experts have made several discoveries in Fayoum, Minya, Luxor, and Damietta.

Waziri praised the General Department of Recovered Antiques for successfully retrieving 80 pieces of Egyptian artifacts from several countries, including England, France, Uruguay, and the US.

He also acknowledged the efforts made by the Central Administration of Ports and Archaeological Units to seize 67 artifacts from being smuggled from the Egyptian ports.

In the museum sector, the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities highlighted the ongoing process of transferring artifacts at the Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria, the Suez Canal Museum in Ismailia, and the development of the museum show scenario at the Muhammad Ali Palace Museum in Manial, indicating that the work of the two phases has been completed.

The Secretary-General moved on to the Islamic, Coptic, and Jewish antiquities sector as he detailed all the progress made in that area, starting with the restoration work at the Musa bin Maimoun Temple in the Jewish Quarter, Al-Hakim Bi-Amr Allah Al-Fatimi Mosque in Al-Moez Street, as well as the seven domes in the Great Qarafa in Fustat.

The department also worked on the installation of the central parts of the main chandelier hung at the Mohammad Ali Mosque in the Citadel. Moreover, they’ve done architectural and meticulous restoration works in the tomb of Suleiman Pasha al-Fransawi in the ancient region of Egypt, in addition to the resumption of work in the Sabil of Ahmed Effendi Selim, the dome of the Abbasid caliphs in the Qarafa of Sayyida Nafisa, the corner of Edikun al-Bunduqdari in Helmiya, and the sabil of Youssef Bey in Sayyidah Zeinab.

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