The economic and social development plan for the current fiscal year 2022/2023 continues efforts to promote women’s rights and reduce the existing qualitative gap by raising their participation in the labor market, economic empowerment, and improving health care indicators and social empowerment.
In this regard, the government adopts several incentive mechanisms as follows:
- Making room for many job opportunities for women, especially women in rural areas and breadwinners.
- Providing soft loans to small and micro enterprises, thus increasing the percentage of women’s participation in the labor market from 16% in 19/20 to over 25% this year.
- Continuing the application of integrated developmental, legislative, and religious interventions for the development of the Egyptian family, and in support of women’s rights, including the activation of legislation that criminalizes acts of violence against women, female circumcision, child labor, and early marriage, with community awareness of women’s rights.
- Expansion of health care projects for women within the framework of the presidential initiative (100 Million Health Lives) and the sub-initiatives emanating from it.
- Follow up on the effective implementation of the National Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030.
- Resume monitoring the development of Egypt’s international indicators, such as the gender gap indicators issued by the World Economic Forum, the health indicators by the World Health Organization, and the labor market indicators of the International Labor