Arab Women Organization, Kuwaiti Union Demand that the Security Council Pass a Resolution Swiftly Ending War on Gaza

News Agencies

The Regional Conference titled “Arab Women, Peace, and Security…Challenges for Women in the Arab Region: stopping the war on Gaza…Now, not Tomorrow” came to a close yesterday, supported by the Kuwaiti Federation of Women’s Associations and the Arab Women’s Organization, with the approval of Abdullah Ali Al Yahya, the country’s minister of foreign affairs.

The Organization’s Director-General, Dr. Fadia Kiwan, stated that the Conference was getting ready to request the ending of the current events in Gaza to international actors headed by the United Nations, the International Council for Human Rights, and the International Committee of the Red Cross. In addition to women’s associations and Arab associations that focus on addressing issues of violence against women and girls, the statement was prepared in light of observations made by participants from ministries and national governmental mechanisms. The statement is primarily concerned with implementing Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security.

The most significant finding was that the UN Security Council needed to be urged to adopt a solid resolution to end the aggression against Gaza right away and make it easier for humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip. Additionally, the UN needed to be urged to expedite the UN initiative for negotiations to end Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories in accordance with successive UN resolutions, stressing the importance of implementing earlier resolutions pertinent to the realization of Palestinian rights and the protection of national rights for the Palestinian diaspora.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.