50/50 Women on Boards Prides Its Global Sponsors for Commitment to Diversity on Boards

News Agencies

50/50 Women on Boards (50/50WOB), the leading global nonprofit education and advocacy campaign driving the movement toward gender balance and diversity on corporate boards, recognized its Premier Global Sponsor, EY; Global Sponsors Mastercard, Wells Fargo, Equilar, McKesson and Jamison; as well as Official Airline United Airlines for their leadership and commitment to the critical importance of tapping into diverse perspectives to create inclusive corporate boardrooms at The Global Conversation on Board Diversity™ held on Nov. 14, 2023.

“Women on boards can positively impact profitability and productivity of organizations by bringing their diverse skills and experiences to organizational governance,” said Kris Pederson, Americas Leader of the EY Center for Board Matters. “The EY organization’s support of 50/50 Women on Boards is one way we support board diversity to achieve more inclusive governance that can drive long-term value and strengthen business strategy.”

Following a series of 20 in-person strategic networking sessions held in six countries, The Global Conversation on Board Diversity, an annual broadcast designed to accelerate positive change in corporate boardrooms, was supported by more than 200 sponsors and in-kind donors to enable the education of more than 4,000 women leaders with the tools to pursue a board seat.

“The commitment of our sponsors and in-kind donors is critical in driving our mission of having 50% of corporate board seats held by women and at least 20% of all seats held by women of color,” said Heather Spilsbury, Chief Executive Officer of 50/50WOB. “We are grateful for these enlightened and engaged organizations with leaders who are helping to raise awareness and drive action for the business imperative of diverse and gender-balanced boards. The key to propelling one’s career lies in the cultivation of a robust network, which is why we actively engineer strategic networking avenues for women, engaging them with influential corporate directors and executives facilitating connections that might otherwise remain unexplored.”

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.