Yasmine Fouad Lauds Collaboration with France in Biodiversity & Climate

News Agencies

Egypt’s Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad praised the collaboration with France in the fields of biodiversity and climate on Sunday, September 15. During her meeting with SUEZ CEO Sabrina Soussan and her team, the minister discussed enhancing mutual cooperation to implement various environmental projects in waste conversion, water management, and desalination technology.

According to SIS, in a statement released on Sunday, the ministry highlighted the minister’s efforts in advancing the waste sector in recent years. Additionally, the minister mentioned the actions taken in waste management, emphasizing its significance as a primary source for energy production. She also indicated the potential for cooperation in offering new technology and technical support for solid waste treatment and energy conversion projects.

Furthermore, the two parties discussed the exchange of expertise in studies related to the impact of water desalination on marine life, particularly in light of Egypt’s expansion of desalination projects.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.