Pinktober: Egypt’s Efforts towards Improving Breast Cancer Care, Raising Awareness

Aya Salah Ed-din

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Egyptian women, accounting for a significant portion of new cancer cases and related deaths.

Notably, women in the Middle East and Africa, including Egypt, tend to be diagnosed with breast cancer at a younger age compared to women in Western countries. This trend is evident, with the majority of cases in Egypt occurring in women under the age of 65.

The Egyptian government has implemented significant measures to improve breast cancer care. In 2019, the launch of the “Women’s Health Initiative” facilitated the provision of free clinical breast examinations to millions of women.

This initiative has successfully increased access to early detection and treatment.

As a result, many women who previously sought care from private healthcare providers are now opting for government-sponsored services.

Moreover, Egypt has set an ambitious target to achieve universal health coverage by 2030-2032. This nationwide initiative seeks to evolve the fragmented system into a cohesive structure. Notable progress has been made; as of 2022, public insurance coverage expanded to nearly 70% of the population.

Furthermore, the Egyptian government has provided financial support to facilitate the acquisition of mammography and ultrasound machines. Approximately 70 mammography machines are currently operational, and 100 more are planned. The goal is to reach 350 mammography units by 2026-2027.

In addition, the Ministry of Health has developed the infrastructure of healthcare centers and facilities and upgraded pathology laboratories. It has also offered training and education to women’s health initiative service providers according to international standards.

CBE, Baheya launch breast cancer initiative for banking women

The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has launched a new initiative to provide early detection and free breast cancer treatment among female banking employees. The “Your Health is a Commitment” (Sehetak Amana) program, in collaboration with the Baheya Foundation, also includes awareness seminars and support services.

The initiative aligns with the National Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030, prioritizing women’s healthcare.

Positive Impact on Breast Cancer Treatment Outcomes Due To Rise In Early Detection Rates

Dr. Mohamed Hassani, Assistant Minister of Health for Public Health Initiatives, revealed that early detection rates for breast cancer have significantly increased. This positive trend has led to a reduction in breast cancer prevalence and has had a favorable impact on treatment outcomes for women with breast cancer.

Dr. Hassani emphasized that the strong political will and interest in public health initiatives, coupled with the prioritization of Egyptian citizens’ health, have been instrumental in their success.

He further highlighted the good preparation and availability of primary care facilities spread across all governorates of the republic, the presence of qualified centers and hospitals designated to receive cases, and cooperation and partnership with the private sector, all of which were among the reasons for the initiative’s success.

Pink October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The global Pink October campaign aims to increase awareness around breast cancer prevention every October. Key risks include advancing age, obesity, limited physical activity, alcohol consumption, and specific post-menopausal hormonal treatments. While only 5–10% of breast cancers are hereditary, a family history of breast cancer should prompt women to take proactive steps to reduce their likelihood of developing the disease.

Women of all ages need to be aware of breast changes through regular breast self-examinations. Early diagnosis and treatment significantly improve survival rates, and women over 50 should consider regular mammograms at facilities that offer screening services. Medical professionals should take every opportunity to conduct clinical breast examinations for women accessing healthcare, especially in resource-limited settings.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.

Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.