Palestinian Wael Al-Dahdouh Nominated For Egypt’s Press Freedom Award 2024

News Agencies

During its recent meeting, Egypt’s Journalists Syndicate, led by Khaled Al-Balshi, approved the recommendation put forth by the Board of Trustees of the Egyptian Press Awards. The recommendation was to nominate Palestinian journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh for the prestigious “Freedom of the Press” Award in 2024. This nomination serves as a symbol of solidarity with Palestinian journalists who have shown unwavering resilience in the face of the brutal Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The nomination of Al-Dahdouh is a tribute to the Palestinian press martyrs who sacrificed their lives to uncover the truth and expose the Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people. These brave journalists defied the false Zionist narrative and the biased portrayal of events by the Western media.

Furthermore, Al-Dahdouh’s sacrifice and his dedication to his professional role have been recognized. Despite enduring immense loss, including the tragic deaths of his wife, two children, and grandson, all of whom became martyrs, Al-Dahdouh remained committed to his work as a journalist for Al-Jazeera network. He continued his journalistic endeavors even after being directly targeted, alongside his colleague, the late Samer Abu Daqqa, and the loss of his son, fellow journalist Hamza Al-Dahdouh.

The “Freedom of the Press” Award is bestowed upon journalists who have played a prominent role in defending press freedom through their writing, journalistic work, positions, intellectual contributions, and union activities. It is also given to those who face pressure due to their advocacy for press freedom and journalists’ rights. In some cases, individuals who are not journalists but actively contribute to the defense of press freedom may also receive the award.

The targeting of Palestinian journalists is not isolated but rather part of a broader context, representing a brutal crime against the Palestinian people and those who strive to convey the truth on Palestinian soil. Tragically, 110 journalists and media workers, both male and female, have lost their lives in these attacks. Moreover, more than 65 Palestinian media outlets have been destroyed in Gaza, and 18 colleagues have been arrested in an attempt to suppress the truth.

The syndicate emphasized the crucial role of press coverage in exposing these crimes, as it is through the press that accountability for the perpetrators and the Zionist violations against journalists and Palestinian civilians can be achieved.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.