Pakistan Minister of Religious Affairs Hails Women for Addressing Religious Intolerance

News Agencies

Pakistan’s religious affairs minister, Chaudhry Salik Hussain, stressed the role of women in addressing contemporary issues such as religious intolerance & global peace as he addressed an international summit in Cairo, Pakistani state media reported.

Hussain addressed the 35th international conference of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, which will be held in Egypt on August 25-26, on “the Role of Women in Building Awareness.” The two-day conference aims to appreciate women and highlight their role in building a family, a society, and a nation.

He added, “The role of women in building awareness, particularly in spreading knowledge, promoting good, and upholding justice, is well-recognized in Islam”.

According to Arab News, the state-run Radio Pakistan broadcaster reported that Hussain said women had a “cardinal role” in creating awareness across religious, cultural, societal, and familial domains.

The minister noted that women had historically been at the heart of religious education, guiding families and communities in spiritual matters across cultures.

He acknowledged Egypt’s “profound contributions,” notably Al-Azhar University, to nurturing Islamic scholarship and fostering a deep understanding of the faith.

Pakistan and Egypt enjoy cordial ties. Friendly relations between the two countries can be traced back to 1947 when Pakistan gained independence and its founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, visited Egypt at the special invitation of King Fuad II.


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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.