NCW Shows Approval & Gratitude to the State Council President for Hiring 3 Female Judges to his Technical Office

News Agencies

The National Council for Women expressed its sincere gratitude to Counselor Ahmed Aboud, Chairman of the State Council, for issuing a decision to appoint three female judges to the State Council in the technical office of the Council Chairman for the first time in the history of the State Council.

The National Council for Women also extends its heartfelt congratulations to the three female judges, namely, Assistant Counselor Hind Ahmed Ali Amara, Assistant Counselor Radwa Helmy Ahmed Abdullah, and Assistant Counselor Mona Mahmoud Ahmed Rushdi Mahmoud, and wishes them continued success and prosperity in their new role.

Counselor Sanaa Khalil, Vice President of the National Council for Women, emphasized that this achievement adds to the record of women’s progress in the justice field and demonstrates the success and competence of female judges and their dedication to judicial work.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.