The Moroccan Government establishes a 2023-2026 strategy to promote gender equality The Government Plan for Equality was created using a participatory approach, with input sought from various stakeholders, according to Morocco World News.
The government presented and discussed its Plan for Equality 2023-2026 in a meeting, under the theme “Morocco: Leadership, Prosperity, and Values.”
The Government Plan for Equality 2023-2026 was created using a participatory approach, with input sought from various ministerial sectors, national institutions, as well as local authorities, civil society organizations, and the private sector.
Despite ongoing efforts to improve gender parity in Morocco, the country has a long way to go before reaching gender equality.
A report from the Higher Commission of Planning (HCP) recently released shows that women have a 73% likelihood of staying unemployed in Morocco, compared to 7.5% of men.
The report argues that “the traditional distribution of social roles between genders and family responsibilities within the household (socially assigned more to women than men) deeply influences women’s participation in the labor market.”