Mercedes-Benz Egypt Joins Hands with Shagrha for Sustainable Future

News Agencies

Mercedes-Benz Egypt gladly  announced its partnership with Shagrha, a leading sustainable development organization. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in the company’s environmental sustainability efforts in Egypt.

As part of Shagrha’s ‘Fruitful Schools’ and ‘Eat From Streets’ campaigns, Mercedes-Benz Egypt will sponsor the planting of fruit trees for every car sold in the Egyptian market. Trees will be planted in various urban locations, including Cairo, Giza, Aswan, Gharbia, and Dakahlia governorates.

The initiative aims to contribute to a greener and healthier Egypt by reducing carbon emissions and enhancing urban green spaces. Additionally, community engagement and awareness programs will be implemented to promote sustainable practices among the public.

This partnership aligns with Egypt’s Vision 2030 goals, which prioritize sustainable urban development and environmental stewardship. Mercedes-Benz Egypt remains committed to taking meaningful actions to reduce its environmental impact and positively contribute to the communities it serves.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.