Lebanese Theater Festival for Women’s Monodramas Kicks off Under the slogan “Salute to the Struggling Woman”

News Agencies

The Tiro Arts Association and the Istanbul Theater announced the holding of the fourth edition of the “Lebanon International Theater Festival for Women’s Monodramas” at the Free Lebanese National Theater in the city of Tripoli from June 28 to 30, with the participation of theatrical performances from Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, the Emirates, and Lebanon.

The festival, held under the slogan “Salute to Struggling Women,” is part of the activities of Tripoli, the capital of Arab culture.

Al Youm 7 reported that the festival comes to celebrate the “Taa’ El Ta’neeth and the feminine noon and to show its strength in the Arabic language, theatrically and artistically, saluting women and their struggles in various fields.

Actor and director Qassem Istanbouli, founder of the Lebanese National Theater, confirmed that the continuation of festivals, film screenings, and free training workshops, despite all the crises around us, constitutes a significant opportunity for meeting and an opportunity for the audience to get to know different cultures from the world so that art is a right for everyone to achieve cultural resistance.

The Lebanon International Theater Festival for Women’s Monodrama is held annually to celebrate women and their theatrical and artistic work and for equality, freedom, social justice, and societal empowerment.


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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.