Google’s New AI-Powered Disease Diagnosis with Cough Detection

News Agencies

Google is revolutionizing healthcare with its groundbreaking AI technology. The tech giant is training one of its foundational AI models to identify signs of disease using sound signals like coughing, sneezing, and sniffling. This innovative approach, utilizing smartphone microphones, holds immense potential for communities with limited access to advanced diagnostic tools.

Partnering with Indian respiratory healthcare AI startup Salcit Technologies, Google’s Health Acoustic Representations (HeAR) model is being trained on a massive dataset of 300 million audio clips, including 100 million cough sounds. By analyzing patterns in these sounds, HeAR can potentially identify early signs of diseases like tuberculosis (TB).

TB remains a significant global health challenge, with millions of cases going unreported each year. The high mortality rate of TB, especially when untreated, underscores the urgent need for early detection. Google’s AI-powered solution offers a promising avenue for improving diagnosis and treatment outcomes.

Beyond TB, AI is making strides in early detection and diagnosis of various illnesses. Researchers worldwide have successfully used AI to identify signs of chronic diseases, pinpoint previously unrecognized types of cancer, and even detect Parkinson’s disease.

The recent development of an AI-enhanced Lyme disease test by UCLA further demonstrates the potential of AI in revolutionizing healthcare. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect even more groundbreaking applications in disease detection and diagnosis.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.