Egypt’s Planning Minister Takes Part in IFC Day

News Agencies

Yesterday, Egypt’s Minister of Planning, Hala Al-Saeed, participated in the IFC Day meetings and took the stage to share her insights. Later, she shared some remarks on her official Instagram.

The Minister said: Today, the private sector is no longer just an engine of growth, but a critical partner in achieving SDGs. Forward-thinking economies are recognizing the power of innovation to tackle challenges, and this is the type of collaborative and impactful private sector engagement will truly empower a nation’s long-term success.

She continued: On this note, I participated in a great panel titled “Partnering for Impact: Empowering Sustainable Private Sector Development in Egypt” at the IFC Day in Egypt.

Al-Saeed expressed: It was great to be joined by colleagues and Ministers on this panel. We discussed Egypt Vision 2030, particularly its recent update, which focused on developing a diversified knowledge society within a supportive and stimulating work environment.

She concluded her post: Egypt’s commitment to a thriving private sector is evident through its Structural Reform agenda. And today, we are proud that the private sector’s contribution to investment has already reached 40% in the current fiscal year, with an ambitious target of 50% in the next and a share of employment increased to 80%.


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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.