Egypt’s Ministry of Labor Starts New Initiative to Empower Working Women

News Agencies

The Ministry of Labor launched the “Convoys for the Protection and Empowerment of Women and Gender Equality in Work and Production Sites” initiative, which was initiated in Port Said Governorate.

Dr. Sherine Abdel Hay, Director General of the Ministry’s General Department of Women and Children Affairs, said on Saturday that this “initiative” comes within the framework of implementing the Ministry of Labor’s plan towards empowering women economically and socially and achieving equality between them and men in the workplace, through a set of procedures and initiatives that all target women. The worker and educate her about her rights and duties.

A press release stated that the Port Said Labor Directorate witnessed the first phase of launching the “initiative,” which will be directed to other governorates. 

During the launch of the initiative in Port Said, representatives of 19 private sector companies operating in the governorate, executive leaders of the ministry and the governorate, the Enterprise Development Agency, the local Federation of Trade Unions, and rapporteurs from the National Council for Women, the National Population Council, and other bodies participated, which is what It confirms the keenness of all partners to empower women and make them aware of their rights and duties, to consolidate the culture of their role and participation in building the new republic.

According to the statement, Dr. explained. Sherine said during the launch process that the “initiative” aims to implement aspects of the National Strategy to Empower Egyptian Women 2030, which is considered a working document for the coming years, and to activate plans, programs, and projects related to this “strategy”, implemented in cooperation with business and development partners, praising the presence of many business partners.

She added that the “initiative” comes within the framework of protecting women by eliminating negative phenomena that threaten their lives, safety, and dignity, including all forms of violence, and protecting them from environmental dangers that may affect them socially or economically, explaining that the “initiative” is under the patronage of the Minister of Labor, Hassan Shehata, and in implementation of his directives to the directorates to empower women economically and socially, care for and protect them, integrate and qualify them for the labor market, and adopt new types of vocational training that will help them achieve that goal in cooperation and coordination with the concerned authorities.

In his speech during the launch of the “initiative,” Abdel Wanis Abdullah, Director of the Labor Directorate in Port Said, stressed the important role played by the Labor Directorate in the context of empowering women and activating their role in society and added that each partner entity provided a set of services that will be provided jointly in these convoys a success story of a struggling and successful woman from Port Said, including Mrs. Rehab Radwan, was also presented as a success story in her work, as well as success stories of people of determination.

The second session of the activities included a lecture on combating violence and harassment in the workplace and international standards in this regard, and a second lecture on women’s rights and duties in the constitution, labor, and children’s laws, discussing Resolutions 43 and 44 of 2021 and the sustainable development goals, and raising participants’ awareness of trade culture unionism, and their union role.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.