Egyptian Channel Correspondent Struck by Israeli Tear Gas While Covering Hostages Release

News Agencies

On Sunday evening, Israeli forces fired tear gas at the relatives of prisoners who have gathered five kilometers away from Ofer Prison in Israel, striking Walaa al-Salameen, a correspondent for the Egyptian TV channel AlQahera News.

During a live broadcast on the channel, Salameen reported that a military bulldozer was present and that military vehicles were approaching civilians who were five kilometers away from the Ofer prison gate.

Salameen remarked: Since the first day of this humanitarian truce, we have grown accustomed to the occupation forces doing the same thing when they are about to put Palestinian prisoners on buses.

She was hit by tear gas fired by the occupation forces at Palestinians and journalists while doing a phone-in on the radio.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.