Egypt Denounces Israeli Aggression and Occupancy of Jenin, Warns of Repercussions on Regional Peace & Security

News Agencies

Earlier this week, the Egyptian state warned of the repercussions of the continued escalation of the Israeli aggression in East Jerusalem, Jenin, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and all occupied lands, as this could cast its shadow on regional peace and security. Egypt especially condemned the Israeli hostilities in Jenin.

That came during Egypt’s speech at the opening of the extraordinary session of the Arab League Council at the permanent delegate’s level to review the situation in Jenin.

Minister Plenipotentiary Ebeida Dandarawi, the director of the Arab League affairs at the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, said Egypt deplored the criminal acts in the West Bank and occupied territories.

He added that the random and excessive use of force in Jenin is considered part of a series of violations of international law.

Egypt cautioned that this hampers the efforts exerted by Egypt and the parties concerned to alleviate tension to stem the bloodshed of Palestinians, he said.

The international community should shoulder its responsibility towards the just Palestinian cause, stressing Egypt’s support for the Palestinian cause and rejection of the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.

Dandarawi offered condolences to the families of the Palestinian victims in Jenin, highlighting the role of the Jordanian guardianship of Al Quds sanctities.

He emphasized that there is no option other than the two-state solution, which aims at establishing an independent Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He stressed that the Palestinian cause will remain at the top of Arab issues.

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