Egypt Condemns Israeli Attacks in West Bank

News Agencies

Egypt strongly criticized the Israeli military for its recent attacks in the West Bank that resulted in the deaths and injuries of numerous Palestinians.

The Foreign Ministry issued a statement condemning Israel’s repeated efforts to escalate confrontations within Palestinian territories, including the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

It also denounced Israel’s excessive use of force, infrastructure destruction, arrests, and torture operations. Egypt emphasized the need for accountability for these violations and urged Israel, as an occupying force, to uphold its legal obligations and ensure the protection of Palestinian residents, rather than exacerbating the conflict.

According to State Information Service Egypt also raised concerns about Israel’s adoption of a scorched earth policy designed to undermine the prospects for a future Palestinian state and eliminate the remaining hope for Palestinians to regain their legitimate rights and establish an independent state within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Egypt called upon influential parties in the international community and the UN Security Council to take a decisive stance to put an end to these unlawful practices and provide protection for the Palestinians.

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