Cairo International Short Film Festival is Unveiling the Cairo Shorts Creative Hub

News Agencies

The Cairo International Short Film Festival (CISFF) is set to have a significant impact on the local film scene with the introduction of the inaugural Cairo Shorts Creative Hub. This new endeavor, developed in partnership with Cairo Film Factory (CFF), will be unveiled during the festival’s sixth edition, scheduled to take place from December 16 to 19, 2024.

Waheed Sobhi, the founder and president of CISFF, expressed his views on this new initiative, stating, “The Cairo Shorts Creative Hub is a testament to our belief in the power of film festivals to support the short film industry and foster an enthusiastic audience.”

“We are delighted to announce our partnership with Cairo Film Factory to establish a nurturing environment for filmmakers to collaborate and share creative concepts. As part of this initiative, the Cairo Shorts Creative Hub is currently open for applications for short film projects.”

A distinguished panel of industry experts will select ten promising projects to receive financial, technical, and advisory support. The deadline for submissions is the end of September.

According to Egyptian Streets priority will be given to film projects that focus on themes such as diversity, inclusion, environmental issues, the empowerment of women and youth, and gender equality. These areas of emphasis align with the Hub’s commitment to addressing critical social issues through film.

The Cairo Shorts Creative Hub has implemented a comprehensive program to nurture and advance emerging filmmakers. A key component of this endeavor involves the provision of grants to short film projects at various stages of development, furnishing crucial financial assistance to bring creative concepts to fruition.

Furthermore, the program encompasses a thorough capacity-building element, comprising workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. These resources are tailored to equip filmmakers with the requisite skills and connections to thrive in the industry.


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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.