Ambassador Nabila Makram Appointed Head of the Technical Secretariat of the National Alliance for Civil Work

Nada El-Margoushy

The first decision by the Board of Trustees of the National Alliance for Civil Developmental Work was to appoint Ambassador Nabila Makram as head of the Technical Secretariat and act as the Alliance’s executive director.

Engineer Khaled Abdel Aziz was elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees during the first meeting, and Dr. Ohood Wafi was elected Vice Chairman.

The National Alliance for Civil Action aims to promote volunteering in civil work and community development and to collaborate with relevant state agencies to achieve social and economic development through voluntary projects and social protection programs.

The Alliance plans to establish service and development projects at the national level, support social development initiatives, start charitable investment funds related to its objectives, hold conferences and workshops, and create a database to identify the groups targeted by its activities.

According to the National Alliance for Civil Work Law, the Alliance is committed to transparency and accountability. It has the authority to establish companies and charitable investment funds related to its objectives, ensuring that profits and returns from its investments are distributed to spend on its activities.

It is also authorized to hold conferences and workshops, create a database to identify the groups targeted by its activities and collaborate with ministries, public bodies, and institutions to achieve its goals.

Notably, the National Alliance for Civil Development Work activity was launched in March 2022 with the participation and membership of the largest civil and development work institutions in Egypt, as it includes 24 civil associations and institutions and service and development entities.

It includes the General Federation of Civil Associations and Institutions, which includes 30 specialized federations and 27 regional federations in its membership, as it works in various fields of development in its diversity, including service, health, awareness, education, urban, and others.

We at the Top 50 Women Forum would like to extend our congratulations to Ambassador Makram and wish her great success in her new role.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.