After years of struggle and competition with fierce opponents… Egypt’s Spiro Spathis sales rise to 300%

News Agencies

“Spiro Spathis”, the Egyptian soft drinks company, has witnessed a 300% increase in revenues following calls to boycott several competitor companies that mention their open support of Israel.

Youssef Talat, chairman of Spiro Spathis, said that the company stepped up production to meet all the needs of the local market, noting that too many places have been already covered in different governorates across the country, according to “Amwal Al Ghad” website.

The local beverage company offers a variety of flavors, including apple, grapes, pineapple, mandarin, peach, and lemon, at an affordable price, which encouraged a lot of local fast-food restaurants to form a deal with them and replace the well-known international companies with Sapthis’s products.

The company has also opened the door to employment for those who lost their jobs in international companies, as it is currently studying to produce new food and diet products to be introduced in the coming period.

Spiro Spathis Company was established in 1920 by a Greek Foreigner, Spiro Spathis, who arrived in Egypt with a vision to introduce new and innovative beverages. In 1922, the company achieved a significant milestone by producing the first-ever soda drink in Egypt.

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